Давно я не делилась с вами своими своими покупками и наконец настало время показать вам те вещи, которые пополнили мой гардероб за последнее время. Я заметила, что в определенной степени мой вкус в одежде изменился: на смену цветочным принтам пришли оттенки черного и серого, в верхней одежде я больше отдаю предпочтение тем вещам, которые меня не обтягивают и не сковывают движения, на смену сумкам пришли рюкзаки, которые я ношу практически каждый день, и я все больше отдаю свое предпочтение минимализму и думаю, что именно это мне и нужно было. Помимо этого изменилось и мое отношение к распродажам: если раньше я теряла голову и покупала на скидках те вещи, которые в итоге ни разу не надевала, то сейчас я подхожу к распродажам более обдуманно и покупаю только те предметы гардероба, которые мне приглянулись до начала скидок и лишь с полной уверенностью того, что они не будут пылиться и лежать без дела. Например, на распродаже я приобрела кроссовки zara, напоминающие мне практически такую же пару кроссовок от nike, столь полюбившиеся блогером, а также черный бомбер с 50% скидкой, что не может не радовать! Остальные покупки были сделаны до распродаж или же с моего любимого онлайн сайта asos.com, а купальник Triangl был предоставлен в качестве подарка.
It's been a long time since I showed you my last purchases, and finally the time came to show some clothes from my latest shopping. I noticed that to a certain extent, my style has changed: sheds of black and grey color came to replace floral prints, in my outwear I prefer more of those type of clothes that I don't fit tightly, backpacks came to replace casual bags and I carry them almost every day, and I am increasingly preferring the minimalist and I think it's type of style which I always wanted to have. In addition to this, my attitude towards sales also changed: if earlier I could lost my head and bought at a discount those clothes that I eventually never wore, now I come to the sales more deliberate and buy only those items of clothing that I liked before sales and I buy them only if I am sure that I like them and they will not just lie on a closet's shelf. For example, during sale time I bought zara sneakers, that remind me almost the same pair of sneakers from nike, which many bloggers wear, and I also bought black bomber with 50% discount which is quite pleasant! Other purchases were made before the sales or from my favorite online site asos.com, and swimsuit Triangl was given as a gift.
It's been a long time since I showed you my last purchases, and finally the time came to show some clothes from my latest shopping. I noticed that to a certain extent, my style has changed: sheds of black and grey color came to replace floral prints, in my outwear I prefer more of those type of clothes that I don't fit tightly, backpacks came to replace casual bags and I carry them almost every day, and I am increasingly preferring the minimalist and I think it's type of style which I always wanted to have. In addition to this, my attitude towards sales also changed: if earlier I could lost my head and bought at a discount those clothes that I eventually never wore, now I come to the sales more deliberate and buy only those items of clothing that I liked before sales and I buy them only if I am sure that I like them and they will not just lie on a closet's shelf. For example, during sale time I bought zara sneakers, that remind me almost the same pair of sneakers from nike, which many bloggers wear, and I also bought black bomber with 50% discount which is quite pleasant! Other purchases were made before the sales or from my favorite online site asos.com, and swimsuit Triangl was given as a gift.