Мне нравится проводить солнечные летние дни в окружении любимых друзей, ведь лето - это время для безрассудных поступков и море ярких эмоций, а такие вещи особенно приятно делить с тем, кем ты дорожишь и ценишь. Ведь впереди осень и зима, а значит что - то должно нас гресть в эти холодные дни, так пусть это будут воспоминания о лете.
I like spending sunny summer days with my beloved friends, because summer is that time when we can make crazy things and get a lot of bright emotions, and it's especially pleasant to share such things with those people, whom you value and appreciate. We are going to meet autumn and winter, it means that something has to warm us in such cold days, so let our memories from summer be these things.
I like spending sunny summer days with my beloved friends, because summer is that time when we can make crazy things and get a lot of bright emotions, and it's especially pleasant to share such things with those people, whom you value and appreciate. We are going to meet autumn and winter, it means that something has to warm us in such cold days, so let our memories from summer be these things.