Предлагаю вам посмотреть завершающий пост с красочными фотографиями теплого острова Капри. Сегодня я бы хотела вам рассказать о главной составляющей части острова - его пляжной жизни, ведь большинство людей приезжают сюда с той целью, чтобы отдохнуть и понежиться под лучами теплого солнца. Мы не стали исключением, и я могу смело сказать о том, что пляжный отдых удался, даже несмотря на тот факт, что у нас было совсем немного времени в запасе. Капри - маленький остров, где по всем его концам расположены пляжи общественного пользования, и воспользовавшись случаем, мы успели побывать на разных концах острова и ощутили разницу в его пляжах. Одной из главных достопримечательностью Капри, помимо пляжей, является Голубой Грот - пещера, в которой лучи солнца попадают на дно и таким образом освещают воду, придавая воде и стенам насыщенный темно - синий цвет. Попасть в пещеру можно только в ясную погоду и на маленькой лодке, так как вход в пещеру совсем маленький и низкий. Невозможно описать те ощущения, которые ты испытываешь находясь в пещере, потому что это место на самом деле особенное и волшебное, впрочем, как и весь остров Капри. Приключения, связанные с этим местом и те теплые моменты, которые нам удалось пережить, еще долго будут греть меня в эти прохладные осенние дни.
I suggest you to see the second and final post with colorful pictures of the warm Isle of Capri. Today I would like to tell you about the most important and interesting part of the island - its beach life, because most people come here with the intention to relax and get a sunbathing. So, we didn't become an excpetion, and I can safely say that our beach holidays were succesfull, despite the fact that we had very little time left. Capri is a small island and it has about three or four beaches for public use, and taking advantage of this opportunity, we had time to go to different parts of the island and felt the difference in its beaches. Furthermore, one of the main sightseeings of Capri, except the beaches, is the Blue Grotto - cave in which the sun's rays fall on the bottom, and thus illuminate the water, giving it an incredibly beautiful blue color. It is possible to get into the cave can only in a sunny weather and on a small boat, due to the fact that its entrance is quite small and low. It is impossible to describe the feelings which you feel in the Blue Grotto, because this place is unique and magical, as well as the entire island. Adventures and those great moments, which we experienced at this place will be warming me in these cold autumn days.
I suggest you to see the second and final post with colorful pictures of the warm Isle of Capri. Today I would like to tell you about the most important and interesting part of the island - its beach life, because most people come here with the intention to relax and get a sunbathing. So, we didn't become an excpetion, and I can safely say that our beach holidays were succesfull, despite the fact that we had very little time left. Capri is a small island and it has about three or four beaches for public use, and taking advantage of this opportunity, we had time to go to different parts of the island and felt the difference in its beaches. Furthermore, one of the main sightseeings of Capri, except the beaches, is the Blue Grotto - cave in which the sun's rays fall on the bottom, and thus illuminate the water, giving it an incredibly beautiful blue color. It is possible to get into the cave can only in a sunny weather and on a small boat, due to the fact that its entrance is quite small and low. It is impossible to describe the feelings which you feel in the Blue Grotto, because this place is unique and magical, as well as the entire island. Adventures and those great moments, which we experienced at this place will be warming me in these cold autumn days.
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