Как и большинство девочек, я мечтала побывать в Париже долгое время. Город любви, в котором воздух пропитан романтикой, где свою жизнь проживали великие поэты своего времени и город больших мечтаний, которые обретают особую силу именно в этом месте. В Париже у нас было три дня, один из которых мы провели в Диснейленде, а оставшиеся два дня мы просто гуляли по городу. Двух дней нам совсем не хватило, ведь для того, чтобы отстоять очередь на Эйфелеву башню, нужно как минимум пол дня. Можно сказать, что половину достопримечательностей Парижа мы так и не увидели, но это значит, что у меня будет хороший повод побывать в Париже еще раз. И даже не так важен тот факт, что мы не успели осмотреть все достопримечательности, ведь простая прогулка по Парижу уже приносит одно удовольствие. Как говорил Эрих Мария Ремарк: "Париж - единственный в мире город, где можно отлично проводить время, ничем, по существу, не занимаясь" и я с ним полностью согласна.
Like most girls, I dreamed about traveling to Paris for a very long time. The city of love, in which the air is saturated with romance, where great poets lived and inspired many of us, and the city of big dreams, which have a special power of belief in this place. We had only three days is Paris, one of which we spent at Disneyland, and the remaining two days we just walked around the city. Two days were not enough for us, because in order to see the Eiffel Tower and see the city from the tower, you need at least half a day. I can say that we haven't seen half of the sightseeing, but it does mean that I will have a good reason to visit Paris again. And it is not even so important that we did not have time to see all the sights, because even a simple walk around Paris already brought us pleasure. As Erich Maria Remarque said: "Paris - the only city in the world where you can have a good time, nothing, in fact, doing" and I couldn't agree more.
Like most girls, I dreamed about traveling to Paris for a very long time. The city of love, in which the air is saturated with romance, where great poets lived and inspired many of us, and the city of big dreams, which have a special power of belief in this place. We had only three days is Paris, one of which we spent at Disneyland, and the remaining two days we just walked around the city. Two days were not enough for us, because in order to see the Eiffel Tower and see the city from the tower, you need at least half a day. I can say that we haven't seen half of the sightseeing, but it does mean that I will have a good reason to visit Paris again. And it is not even so important that we did not have time to see all the sights, because even a simple walk around Paris already brought us pleasure. As Erich Maria Remarque said: "Paris - the only city in the world where you can have a good time, nothing, in fact, doing" and I couldn't agree more.
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